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Terms of Service
- I, the artist, have the right to accept or deny any commission or client I see fit, cancel and refund an accepted commission for any reason, and change these terms at any time without warning. Changes in pricing do not apply retroactively if a commission has already been paid for. In commissioning me, both parties are bound to these terms.
- I will not accept any commissions from or featuring individuals who self identify as part of (or are otherwise affiliated with) alt-right or zoophile/animal abuse groups and communities. If I become aware of this after doing the commission, I will remove the artwork from my galleries, blacklist the individual in question, and inform any other parties involved in the artwork.
- You must be 18 years of age or older to commission me.
- Payment is preferably via a card through Stripe – not only due to PayPal fees but also because I use PayPal more for personal payments and it’s much more of a hassle to report my income. PayPal is acceptable in a worst case scenario if the client’s bank has a history of flagging Stripe payments as fraud or the client otherwise has an issue with it not accepting their card, but if this isn’t a factor then I will only be accepting commission payments through Stripe.
- You do not need an account to use Stripe. You simply pay with your card, and it is secure.
- Stripe does not have a tipping feature built in, so please proceed to my ko-fi page if you wish to tip me. Or you can ask for my PayPal to send the money directly to.
- The client may ask for a refund on a commission if 2 months have passed and I have not shown a WIP at all yet, or if 3 months have passed and I have not finished it. However, I usually take payment after the base sketch is complete, not upfront, so this is unlikely to happen.
- Refunds may not be requested before then outside of special circumstances, and are not available for finished pieces.
- If I feel like I cannot complete a commission and cancel it myself, I will refund the cost in full, no matter how far into completion the commission is. If the refund is requested by the client, the amount refunded will depend on the amount of work done.
- If a refund is forced without my permission, the client will not be allowed to work with me again.
- I will not draw surprise gift art unless I am familiar with all the parties involved, or if proof of the recipient giving consent to gift art can be shown to me.
- If this consent is faked, or the character is stolen, and I find out after finishing the image, the client will not be refunded and be blacklisted immediately.
- My completed commissions are for personal use only unless commercial use is negotiated.
- Printing out stickers, getting a shirt made, or similar is fine as long as you are not reselling them.
- Upon a refund or chargeback being made, or the discovery I have drawn a character I did not have permission to draw, the client loses all usage rights to the image and I reserve the right to do whatever I wish with it.
- I will not approve commercial usage involving blockchain technology.
- In the event of percentage-based pricing making the total cost of a commission uneven, it will be rounded up or down to the nearest United States Dollar.
Commission Process
- When selecting which commissions to do, I will prioritize accepting commission inquiries that are more specific with expressions and poses, as well as commission inquiries that give me uncompressed and unshaded reference sheets, outside of shading certain textures such as gemstones and metals.
- I am providing a service for you and dislike being given artistic freedom, especially to keep myself safe from needing to redraw the entire sketch. I will enjoy working with you much more if I am given an idea of a pose. I especially appreciate being given visual pose references, even stick figures will help me greatly.
- Please do not give me reference sheets with shading, and avoid giving me reference sheets that are compressed images from Twitter or Fur Affinity. I tend to colorpick directly from the character (unless pure blacks are in the design) because palette swatches can be hard for me to tell which color goes where if a character has multiple shades of the same color. Any sort of shading, even cel shading, or extreme compression is disruptive to my art process.
- Payment is usually after the rough sketch is started. In some cases I take payment upfront, but this is only when I’m extremely confident in my ability to do a commission. I cannot guarantee how quickly I will allow a client to pay, this is not my main job and I’d get extremely anxious hanging onto your money for something unfinished for too long.
- Turnaround after taking payment will vary depending on length of queue and types of commissions – current estimated timeframe is within 2 months of payment.
- I will always notify the client about possible delays or concerns.
- I tend to work on several different pieces at once and may finish a piece commissioned later first if it’s not as complex.
- I always do my best not to accept and finish many new commissions if I’ve been keeping someone waiting for close to my estimated timeframe. I don’t want to be that artist. I keep track of when commissions were initially accepted on my Trello.
- Discuss any deadlines upfront before I accept the commission.
- If the deadline is further out than my expected turnaround time it should be fine unless something comes up in my personal life.
- If it is not, I am much less likely to accept the commission.
- Unwatermarked pieces will always be given to the client and posted in my Patreon Discord server unless specified otherwise.
- Private commissions will not be posted there unless I am given the okay to.
- The client may ask for the layered .clip or .psd files for their commission if they feel like they may want to edit it themself later, or ask for alternate versions such as transparent backgrounds.
- Neither the client nor anyone else is allowed to profit off of the layered files, such as using them as a base to create adoptables, or paying another artist to “complete” the work. This will result in the client immediately being blacklisted.